Krav Youth (8 yrs+) - Term 1 Mon 5pm
Secure your spot for the whole term.
Service Description
Krav Youth will become proficient in realistic, easy to learn self-defence skills which are relevant to this age group. Life skills such as self-confidence, goal setting, health, teamwork, self-discipline and concentration are also addressed throughout the syllabus. Fitness improvements happen naturally as they participate in games, drills and circuit training. These activities improve coordination, agility, strength, and speed whilst also benefiting cardiovascular health. A great way to ensure your place is secure for the whole term. Booking this option will book your place for the whole term in one go. Term Booking Terms & Conditions: Term bookings are final and can not be suspended, extended, or cancelled. If your child misses a class during the term and we are notified before the class, the participant will be booked into the 'make-up class' which occurs the first week of the school holidays. If any classes are cancelled by us, you will receive a credit towards your next term booking, or access to a make-up class.